Envoy Proxies

Apoxy enables you to quickly launch custom Envoy proxies in the cloud.

Simply create a proxy by passing your Envoy configuration to the CLI or directly embedding it into the proxy Kubernetes object. If the configuration is valid, a proxy will be launched on our cloud and an IP address will be returned to you. Feel free to use that IP address in an A/AAAA record or use a CNAME with Custom Domains.


apoxy proxies create -f envoy.yaml

Use Cases

  • API Gateway - Use Envoy's built-in HTTP Filters or custom Extensions to configure a custom API Gateway.
  • Multi-Cluster Load Balancing - Put a cloud Envoy proxy in front of multiple clusters and configure custom load balancing policies in your config. Use Tunnels to create a secure overlay network for this traffic.
  • Forward Proxy - Use Envoy as an outbound proxy to another service to quickly add 3rd party API monitoring or attach credentials to outbound requests. Check out Magic Domains for this use case as well.

Next Steps

  • Expose your proxy on a Custom Domain with instant TLS.
  • Query the Logs generated by your Envoy.

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© Apoxy, Inc. 2023.